Viyonce Mabena (30) originally from Duduza and currently residing in Tembisa North, joined the Youth Health Africa internship programme in December 2020 after finding out about it from Aurum POP INN at Winne Mandela Clinic. As a transgender woman, Viyonce is a proud member of the LGBTIQA+ community and has...

Koketso Phoko (29) originally from Burgersfort in Limpopo and currently residing in Brixton, Johannesburg joined the Youth Health Africa internship programme in September 2020 through our LinkedIN page. His duties in the programme included assisting the department of Risk and Compliance to identify, assess and manage risk and maintaining compliance...

Lucy Langa (23) originally from Mpumalanga and currently residing in Vlakfontein, joined the Youth Health Africa internship programme in December 2020 through our Facebook page. She began her journey as a Payroll Administrator in the HR Department at The Aurum Institute Head office in Parktown, Johannesburg.During her time as an...